In this article, I will reveal how much money you could profit by making only one decision and eliminating hidden troubles forever. It may seem strange to hear about something that is not visible, that consumes your profit and even causes problems for everyone near...
One of the main continuous activities performed in the process of preparation and manufacturing of GRP fittings is the manual cutting of the respective components. As I explained in the previous post, the cutting of large diameter GRP pipes for the manufacturing of...
When choosing Filament Winding technology for your company, doubts can cloud rational thinking. What exactly can a company do in order to avoid all this and produce the GRP in the most cost-efficient way? If you want to see the whole picture and make the right...
During my work in the GRP pipe installation, first as an EPC Contractor and then as a Filament Winding Specialist, I was called to resolve several mistakes that occurred during the GRP pipe installation. The GRP pipes are very competitive nowadays and it is important...
As you are well aware, the cutting of large-diameter GRP pipes for the manufacturing of fittings has always been a complicated and lengthy affair. It is therefore one of the most expensive, labor-intensive stages in the supply of GRP pipelines. During my visits to...