GRP Pipe Production
Do You Know How Much the Maximum Flow Velocity in a GRP Pipe is?
The generally accepted economic flow velocity for water supply pipelines is in the range of 1–3,5 m/s. The maximum recommended flow velocity for a GRP pipe is 5-6 m/s.
Avoid That the Most Important Project Becomes a Big Problem
Do you know such feeling when you are about to start a fascinating project where you put all your expectations that bases on your success your future strategies?
GRP PIPES – Satisfactory Solution in Many Applications
Do you wish to understand how to choose a GRP pipe production line and immediately obtain maximum profit, minimizing the risks?
Maximize Your Profit and Avoid Hidden Troubles
In this article, I will reveal how much money you could profit by making only one decision and eliminating hidden troubles forever. It may seem strange to hear about something that is not visible, that consumes your profit and even causes problems for everyone near...
Four Dangers of Frequent Manual Cutting of GRP Pipes for Fittings
One of the main continuous activities performed in the process of preparation and manufacturing of GRP fittings is the manual cutting of the respective components. As I explained in the previous post, the cutting of large diameter GRP pipes for the manufacturing of...
How To Increase The Efficiency Of The Fitting Manufacturing
As you are well aware, the cutting of large-diameter GRP pipes for the manufacturing of fittings has always been a complicated and lengthy affair. It is therefore one of the most expensive, labor-intensive stages in the supply of GRP pipelines. During my visits to...
GRP PIPES – Satisfactory Solution in Many Applications
There are several reasons why GRP pipes are very competitive nowadays. This material should be considered whenever piping is about to be replaced or a new project is implemented. It is important that the engineers involved in specifying or designing GRP pipes have a...