The importance of the return of investment for the Filament Winding Industry When I visit my potential customers, I never ever speak only in terms of the kilometers of the pipes that they will produce, but I always add a second topic, which is essential for their...
After more than 19 years of working in the Filament Winding industry, designing, manufacturing, and installing complete GRP production lines, as well as traveling around the world, meeting customers, and checking GRP production lines, I have seen the same mistakes...
The GRP pipe wall, or to be more precise, the RTRP/RPMP pipe wall (Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe/Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pipe) consists of three layers, perfectly adherent to one another and each having different characteristics and properties in relation to...
In order to have a good understanding of how the GRP pipes behave, we must understand their viscoelastic behavior. The relationship between the stress and the strain, i.e. the structural response of the plastics, varies from viscous to elastic. This means, that most...
Selling GRP pipes is a lot like dating. What most companies do is the following. They go out into the marketplace, push offers to prospects and ask complete strangers to marry them! If you think about it in this way, it becomes quite difficult to convince technical...